clothing business in australia

Clothing Business in Australia – A Market Overview

The Australian clothing industry is worth $16 billion annually and employs over 100,000 people. The types of clothing that are popular in Australia are similar to those found in other countries such as the UK and United States, but there are some differences due to Australia’s unique climate. Australians tend to wear more casual clothes than people living in colder climates, so you’ll see a lot more t-shirts and shorts here than suits and dresses.

Clothing is one of the most popular industries in Australia.

The clothing industry is one of the most popular industries in Australia. There are many different types of clothing businesses in Australia, including large international brands and smaller local businesses making formal dresses, causal dresses and many other types of clothing items. The Australian clothing industry is worth around $16 billion annually, with around $4 billion coming from exports.

The fashion industry has long been dominated by large international brands such as Zara and H&M who have opened up stores across major cities like Sydney, Melbourne and Perth over recent years.

The Australian clothing market is worth around $16 billion annually.

The Australian clothing market is worth around $16 billion annually. The average Australian household spends around $70 per month on clothing and the average Australian woman buys over 80 new items of clothing each year. Men like to spend more on footwear like boots, sneakers, loafers etc.

Australia has a very high fashion consciousness compared to many other countries.

Australia has a very high fashion consciousness compared to many other countries. The average Australian consumer is more likely to buy online than in stores and has an annual income of $72,000 (AUD), which is higher than the average global figure.

This means that there is potential for clothing brands to target this market with their products.

The Australian fashion industry is dominated by large international brands, but there are still many opportunities for smaller and local brands to find success.

Australia has a very high fashion consciousness compared to many other countries. The Australian fashion industry is dominated by large international brands, but there are still many opportunities for smaller and local brands to find success.

Australian consumers are willing to pay a premium for quality products that they feel reflect their own personal style or lifestyle. This means that there is an opportunity for you as a business owner or designer if you can provide something different from what’s already available in the market place.

There are over 2000 international retail brands and some 3000 independent retailers operating in Australia.

The major players include Myer, David Jones, Target and Big W which are all owned by the same parent company. There are also a number of smaller chains such as Harris Scarfe, K Mart and Woolworths Supermarkets that have been around for decades.

In addition to these well known names there are also many independent fashion retailers operating throughout Australia offering Australian made clothing along with other designer labels from around the world such as Zara or H&M.

The Australian government has recently made changes to its GST laws that will benefit clothing businesses.

The new rules, which came into effect on 1 July 2019, mean that it’s now easier for businesses to claim back GST on clothes they sell. They also don’t apply if you sell your products online (as opposed to in store).

This is great news for small retailers who want their customers’ experience with them as a brand and business to be seamless; it means that there’s no need for customers who purchase items from stores or online sites like yours, whether physical or virtual, respectively–to deal with paperwork when buying from you!

If you want to start a clothing business in Australia, it’s worth doing your research first to ensure you’ll have enough customers for your product or service

If you want to start a clothing business in Australia, it’s worth doing your research first to ensure you’ll have enough customers for your product or service. There are more than 23 million people living in Australia and about half of those are women. These numbers show that there is certainly a strong market for clothing retailers here, but it’s worth noting that not all Australians are the same–they can be divided into different groups based on age, gender, income level and so on. If your target market is female teenagers with high disposable incomes living close to the city center (or even if it isn’t), then this might be easier than trying to sell jeans tailored specifically towards older men who live in rural areas without access to public transportation!


We hope this article has given you some insight into the Australian clothing market, and how it might be a good place for you to start your own business. There are many opportunities for small businesses in Australia, and if you’re looking to break into an industry that is growing rapidly then this could be one of them!

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